
Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2014

All standard HTML5 elements

All standard HTML5 elements are listed here, described by their opening tag and grouped by function. Contrary to the HTML Element index which lists all possible tags, standard, non-standard, valid, obsolete or deprecated ones, this list only the valid HTML5 elements. Only the elements listed here should be used in new Web sites.

The symbol This element was added as part of HTML5 indicates that the element was added in HTML5. Note that other elements listed here may have been modified  or extended in their meaning by the HTML5 specification.

Root element

<html>Represents the root of an HTML or XHTML document. All other elements must be descendants of this element.

Document metadata

<head>Represents a collection of metadata about the document, including links to, or definitions of, scripts and style sheets.
<title>Defines the title of the document, shown in a browser's title bar or on the page's tab. It can only contain text and any contained tags are not interpreted.
<base>Defines the base URL for relative URLs in the page.
<link>Used to link JavaScript and external CSS with the current HTML document.
<meta>Defines metadata that can't be defined using another HTML element.
<style>Used to write inline CSS.


<script>Defines either an internal script or a link to an external script. The script language is JavaScript.
<noscript>Defines alternative content to display when the browser doesn't support scripting.


Represents the content of an HTML document. There is only one <body> element in a document.
<section> This element has been added in HTML5Defines a section in a document.
<nav> This element has been added in HTML5Defines a section that contains only navigation links.
<article> This element has been added in HTML5Defines self-contained content that could exist independently of the rest of the content.
<aside> This element has been added in HTML5Defines some content loosely related to the page content. If it is removed, the remaining content still makes sense.
<h1>,<h2>,<h3>,<h4>,<h5>,<h6>Heading elements implement six levels of document headings; <h1> is the most important and <h6> is the least. A heading element briefly describes the topic of the section it introduces.
<header> This element has been added in HTML5Defines the header of a page or section. It often contains a logo, the title of the Web site, and a navigational table of content.
<footer> This element has been added in HTML5Defines the footer for a page or section. It often contains a copyright notice, some links to legal information, or addresses to give feedback.
<address>Defines a section containing contact information.
<main>This element has been added in HTML5Defines the main or important content in the document. There is only one <main> element in the document.

Grouping content

<p>Defines a portion that should be displayed as a paragraph.
<hr>Represents a thematic break between paragraphs of a section or article or any longer content.
<pre>Indicates that its content is preformatted and that this format must be preserved.
<blockquote>Represents a content that is quoted from another source.
<ol>Defines an ordered list of items.
<ul>Defines an unordered list of items.
<li>Defines a item of an enumeration list.
<dl>Defines a definition list, that is, a list of terms and their associated definitions.
<dt>Represents a term defined by the next <dd>.
<dd>Represents the definition of the terms immediately listed before it.
<figure> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a figure illustrated as part of the document.
<figcaption> This element has been added in HTML5Represents the legend of a figure.
<div>Represents a generic container with no special meaning.

Text-level semantics

<a>Represents a hyperlink , linking to another resource.
<em>Represents emphasized text, like a stress accent.
<strong>Represents especially important text.
<small>Represents a side comment , that is, text like a disclaimer or a copyright, which is not essential to the comprehension of the document.
<s>Represents content that is no longer accurate or relevant .
<cite>Represents the title of a work .
<q>Represents an inline quotation .
<dfn>Represents a term whose definition is contained in its nearest ancestor content.
<abbr>Represents an abbreviation or an acronym ; the expansion of the abbreviation can be represented in the title attribute.
<data> This element has been added in HTML5Associates to its content a machine-readable equivalent . (This element is only in the WHATWG version of the HTML standard, and not in the W3C version of HTML5).
<time> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a date and time value; the machine-readable equivalent can be represented in the datetime attribute.
<code>Represents computer code .
<var>Represents a variable, that is, an actual mathematical expression or programming context, an identifier representing a constant, a symbol identifying a physical quantity, a function parameter, or a mere placeholder in prose.
<samp>Represents the output of a program or a computer.
<kbd>Represents user input , often from the keyboard, but not necessarily; it may represent other input, like transcribed voice commands.
<sub>,<sup>Represent a subscript , or a superscript.
<i>Represents some text in an alternate voice or mood, or at least of different quality, such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase, a thought, or a ship name.
<b>Represents a text which to which attention is drawn for utilitarian purposes . It doesn't convey extra importance and doesn't imply an alternate voice.
<u>Represents a non-textual annoatation for which the conventional presentation is underlining, such labeling the text as being misspelt or labeling a proper name in Chinese text.
<mark> This element has been added in HTML5Represents text highlighted for reference purposes, that is for its relevance in another context.
<ruby> This element has been added in HTML5Represents content to be marked with ruby annotations , short runs of text presented alongside the text. This is often used in conjunction with East Asian language where the annotations act as a guide for pronunciation, like the Japanese furigana .
<rt> This element has been added in HTML5Represents the text of a ruby annotation .
<rp> This element has been added in HTML5Represents parenthesis around a ruby annotation, used to display the annotation in an alternate way by browsers not supporting the standard display for annotations.
<bdi> This element has been added in HTML5Represents text that must be isolated from its surrounding for bidirectional text formatting. It allows embedding a span of text with a different, or unknown, directionality.
<bdo>Represents the directionality of its children, in order to explicitly override the Unicode bidirectional algorithm.
<span>Represents text with no specific meaning. This has to be used when no other text-semantic element conveys an adequate meaning, which, in this case, is often brought by global attributes like classlang, or dir.
<br>Represents a line break .
<wbr> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a line break opportunity , that is a suggested point for wrapping text in order to improve readability of text split on several lines.


<ins>Defines an addition to the document.
<del>Defines a removal from the document.

Embedded content

<img>Represents an image .
<iframe>Represents a nested browsing context , that is an embedded HTML document.
<embed> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a integration point for an external, often non-HTML, application or interactive content.
<object>Represents an external resource , which is treated as an image, an HTML sub-document, or an external resource to be processed by a plug-in.
<param>Defines parameters for use by plug-ins invoked by <object> elements.
<video> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a video , and its associated audio files and captions, with the necessary interface to play it.
<audio> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a sound , or an audio stream .
<source> This element has been added in HTML5Allows authors to specify alternative media resources for media elements like <video> or <audio>.
<track> This element has been added in HTML5Allows authors to specify timed text track for media elements like <video> or <audio>.
<canvas> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a bitmap area that scripts can be used to render graphics, like graphs, game graphics, or any visual images on the fly.
<map>In conjunction with <area>, defines an image map .
<area>In conjunction with <map>, defines an image map .
<svg> This element has been added in HTML5Defines an embedded vectorial image .
<math> This element has been added in HTML5Defines a mathematical formula .

Tabular data

<table>Represents data with more than one dimension .
<caption>Represents the title of a table .
<colgroup>Represents a set of one or more columns of a table.
<col>Represents a column of a table.
<tbody>Represents the block of rows that describes the concrete data of a table.
<thead>Represents the block of rows that describes the column labels of a table.
<tfoot>Represents the block of rows that describes the column summaries of a table.
<tr>Represents a row of cells in a table.
<td>Represents a data cell in a table.
<th>Represents a header cell in a table.


<form>Represents a form , consisting of controls, that can be submitted to a server for processing.
<fieldset>Represents a set of controls .
<legend>Represents the caption for a <fieldset>.
<label>Represents the caption of a form control.
<input>Represents a typed data field allowing the user to edit the data.
<button>Represents a button .
<select>Represents a control allowing selection among a set of options .
<datalist> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a set of predefined options for other controls.
<optgroup>Represents a set of options , logically grouped.
<option>Represents an option in a <select> element, or a suggestion of a <datalist> element.
<textarea>Represents a multiline text edit control .
<keygen> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a key-pair generator control .
<output> This element has been added in HTML5Represents the result of a calculation .
<progress> This element has been added in HTML5Represents the completion progress of a task.
<meter> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a scalar measurement (or a fractional value), within a known range.

Interactive elements

<details> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a widget from which the user can obtain additional information or controls.
<summary> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a summary , caption , or legend for a given <details>.
<menuitem> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a command that the user can invoke.
<menu> This element has been added in HTML5Represents a list of commands .

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